This post is being created by popular demand. I've recently received a number of emails requesting a list of all of the die cast (or "diecast") cars ever released but have not been able to give a complete list until now.
A few notes about the list:
- It's given in alphabetical order, for organization and convenience
- It's given by name of car released rather than by series, release date or packaging.
- For each car, if it is available for purchase online, there are one or more links to where it can be found online either as a single item or with a package.
- At the bottom of the current list are the future releases for 2008 and beyond!
- Al Oft (Lightyear Blimp)
- Barney Stormin'
- Bling Bling McQueen
- Bob Cutlass
- Boost
- Brand New Mater
- Bruiser Bukowski
- Bug Mouth McQueen
- Buzz (Lightyear)
- Cactus McQueen
- Chick/Chick Hicks
- Collector's Edition "Blu" (Dark Blue Dinoco) Lightning McQueen (Available only with purchase of Blu-Ray movie)
- Cruisin' McQueen
- Cruisin' Ramone (also "Old School Ramone")
- Dale Earnhardt Jr.
- Darrell Cartrip
- Dinoco Chick Hicks
- Dinoco Helicopter
- Dinoco McQueen
- Dinoco Mia
- Dinoco Tia
- Dirt Track Doc Hudson
- Dirt Track McQueen
- DJ
- Doc Hudson
- Dudley Spare
- Dusty Rust-Eze
- Fabulous Hudson Hornet
- Fabulous Hudson Hornet - Red Rims
- Ferrari F430
- Fillmore
- Flik
- Flo
- Fred
- Gasprin
- Ghostlight Ramone
- Gold Mia
- Gold Tia
- Guido
- Guido with Ferrari Gear
- Hamm
- Hydraulic Ramone
- King
- Kori Turbowitz
- Leak Less/Leakless
- Lightning McQueen
- Lightning Ramone
- Lizzie
- Luigi
- Luigi With Ferrari Gear
- Mario Andretti
- Mater
- Mater - Variant (Blue with "Mater" Logo)
- Variant Blue Mater on eBay (no more)
- Mia
- Mike
- Mrs. The King
- My Name is Not Chuck
- Nitroade
- No Stall
- Octane Gain
- Piston Cup Pace Car (Also Called "Charlie Checker")
- Pit Crew Fillmore
- Pit Crew Guido
- Pit Crew Hudson Hornet
- Pit Crew Sarge (Discontinued - new one to be released in '08)
- P.T. Flea
- Race Official Tom
- Radiator Springs McQueen
- Ramone: Green
- Ramone: Purple
- Ramone: Red (See "Hydraulic Ramone" and "Cruisin' Ramone")
- Ramone: Yellow
- Red (The Firetruck)
- Richard Clayton Kensington Security Van
- RPM #64
- Rusty Rust-Eze
- Sally
- Sarge
- Sheriff
- Snot Rod
- Stanley
- Sulley
- Tex Dinoco
- Tia
- TJ
- Tongue McQueen
- Tow
- Tow Cap
- Tractor
- Vinyl Toupee
- Wingo
- Woody
- Yeti
Whew! That is a LIST! But wait - there's more! Here's the new releases scheduled for 2008!
The 2008 New Release List (also given in alphabetical order):
- Axle Accelerator
- Brian
- Chick Hicks Crew Chief
- Chick Hicks Pit Crew
- Chuki
- Cora Copter
- Dexter Hoover
- Dinoco Crew Chief
- Dinoco Pit Crew
- Dustin Mellows
- Elvis
- Greta
- Jay Limo
- Leak Less Pit Crew
- Lightning Storm McQueen
- Mini
- No Stall Crew Chief
- Octane Gain Crew Chief
- Octane Gain Pit Crew
- Pit Crew Sarge
- Ron Hover
- RPM Pit Crew
- Security Van
- Super F/AV-18
- Sven
- Tar McQueen
- Timothy Truecoat
- Tires McQueen
- Trunk Fresh Crew Chief
- Van
- Apple #84 Matthew Overtaker
- Bumper Save
- Creme Filled Gask-Its
- Easy Idle
- Lil' Torquey Pistons
- Mood Springs
- Retread
- Rev-N-Go
- Shifty Drug
- Shiny Wax
- Spare Mint
- Sputter Stop
- Tach-O-Mint
- Tank Coat
- Transberry Juice
- Vitoline
Thanks for visiting!
PPSS: Have you heard about the diecast minis? Check them out:
Click Here to Find Them on eBay
PS: If you are looking specifically for the different die cast cars for Lightning McQueen, you can check that out here:
Disney Cars Die Cast: Lightning McQueen
Disney Cars Die Cast: Lightning McQueen